Reading The Tea Leaves

From the moment I met Mark I was wowed by his intellect. He took deep dives into subjects that interested him and I often wondered if he had a photographic memory. He could recite facts easily about a variety of subjects and I’d always ask, “How do you know all this stuff?” “I read it,” he said, and I read too but I never could come close to retaining the volume of information that he could.

For as smart as Mark was, he was also very gullible. I’d be reading the paper and gasp out loud. He’d come running in from another room and say, “What’s wrong, what happened!!!,” I’d say, “Oh my god, your horoscope is only one star today. Don’t even go to work. Your moon is twisted in knots and HR is probably going to fire you for showing up in that spandex every day.” He’d get so mad at me and storm out of the room mumbling, “For chrissakes, you and your damn horoscope…..”

Over the years I did that to him many, many times and every single time he fell for it.

One time a group of women I know were getting together and invited me. I thought it was with spouses/significant others, but it turned out that Mark was the only guy there. He didn’t mind and they made him feel so welcome that after that he was always trying to invite himself to my girl’s night. We drank our wine and ate our soup, and when the table was cleared someone said, “Time for the Tarot cards?” and inside I was like yesssssssss while Mark exhaled a big ol’ sigh like you’d expect from a guy in his career. I ignored him. I can’t remember what my cards said but afterwards I said, “Now do Mark,” which he vehemently protested but he was surrounded by a bunch of women who weren’t going to let that happen. His cards said that his financial outlook was going to look very good in the near future and I squealed. He was waiting on a grant and I was like, “Welp, Fisher, I guess we know how that’s going to go down because the cards don’t lie,” and I think he wanted to declare it all hogwash, but that grant was stressing him out.

Will texted me a few weeks ago to see if I wanted to go see a psychic to which I immediately responded OF COURSE I DO. A flooring rep he knew from coming into the design studio where he worked was hosting it and told him he should bring me along. As soon as I agreed I got cold feet. I knew it would be emotional and I didn’t want to hear things John Edwards style with random thoughts being shouted out before a live audience. He texted the host who assured him that anyone who wanted privacy would get it. The day before I still was backtracking and wanting to bail but a storm barreled into our area knocking out power. With trees down everywhere this wasn’t going to be a quick fix so on day two of no power with temps climbing to the nineties and a phone that needed to be charged I decided to go meet a psychic.

It took a long while after arriving for me to wander over to this woman. I was curious and terrified. We had a bit of chit-chat before I blurted out, “Okay, let’s get into this,” and what unfolded over the next thirty minutes was incredible, interesting, gut wrenching. “First of all,” she said, “he wants you to know that he was not in his body the day of his death. It’s important to him that you know that. He was not in his body.” She elaborated and I felt instant relief. I have recreated his last moments on earth over and over until the point of agony. She told me that he wanted me to know that he loved his life but that he is now free, that something short-circuited in his brain in adolescence and from that point on he was never free.” Five minutes in and I was sobbing.

From that powerful opening she said that he will always love me, that whenever we are all together he is with us, that he could not have survived without me and that Will knew that. Will who was sitting next to me nodded. All of the kids have said the same thing but Will told me several times that if I had been the one to have gone first that he would have moved back home to take care of his dad. She asked me about his ADD and my mouth dropped open. It has only been in the last few months that it occurred to me that maybe Mark had ADD. He could come up with a hundred ideas and get them in motion, but once the grand plan was executed he lost interest, got overwhelmed, or moved on. I am sure that every student who ever worked for him would say, “OF COURSE HE HAD ADD,” but for me he was just Mark, and though he often drove me nuts with his ideas, it never occured to me he was wired differently. I have been mulling it over for months and told nobody, not even my therapist.

At one point she asked me if Mark was a class clown. Mark was very funny but in the typical terms of being a class clown that seemed like a stretch. I did say that he was excellent at dropping a one-liner to reduce the tension in a room or situation. “He wants you to know that even though he could do that he never took his eyes off the room,” and a chill went through me. She then asked me if I had been sick because Mark was worried about my health. After months (or maybe years) of feeling utterly exhausted all the time I went to the doctor. I didn’t know if it was grief, depression, regular life or all three, but I knew something was wrong. My bloodwork came back with a too low B-12 count that was causing all kinds of vague issues including my hands often feeling numb.

In our years together Mark and I traveled very different avenues to get to the same place. “The pulse of life is all around us,” he used to say, and he saw and understood that at a molecular level while I saw and understood it differently. In his last few days what I most wanted for Mark was for him to be free of the things that had been wreaking havoc on his mental health for a very long time. I got my wish in a way I could have never predicted, a way that will always be painful for me, our kids, and everyone who knew and loved him. But there he is, a million starlights away and right here, and sitting on a couch across from a woman named Susan who was trusted to deliver messages from the dead, I swear that for the briefest moment the drumbeat of his pulse and mine were back in sync.

***Caveat: I know this sort of thing is not for everyone. This experience was so raw and tender to me (and Will who was there the entire time) that I am requesting if you have any doubt about the validity of it that you not share that with me. I lived with a doubtful scientist for 35 years and have heard all the arguments as to why this makes no sense. I also know that if that doubtful scientist wanted me to know something he’d do it in a way that would bring me some peace and hand me a story that you’d have to have witnessed to believe.***

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Author: Kathleen Fisher

Kathleen Fisher is a Chicago girl at heart though she moved from there many years ago when a handsome scientist swept her off her feet. What started as a light-hearted blog about life, marriage, and kids turned more serious in September of 2018 when her husband of 35 years ended his life. A new journey began that day and she now writes about unexpected loss, grief, and finding a path towards healing.

14 thoughts on “Reading The Tea Leaves”

  1. I love every word about this! And I hope and pray that session brought you & your amazing kids some peace. You absolutely deserve some peace.
    Stay well & heal!

  2. No doubts. I thought at one point, early on reading your columns, if you had thought of consulting a medium? I do not know you well enough to have understood how that suggestion might have landed with you? But I firmly believe contact can be made with our love ones on the other side. I am happy that maybe you have found a bit of peace. That your Mark is present when you are together would be so comforting, to me. I have every belief that when your times comes to make your transition, he will be there waiting for you with open arms. A joyous day that will be.

  3. I don’t doubt this for a second. Hold the experience close to your heart. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

  4. I Believe! What a beautiful gift you were given! And Mark was given this gift too! Psychics are conduits for our departed energies. I should know. I have done readings for people with their loved ones who have passed. I do not do it often because I cannot handle the emotion involved. But it is real. And it is a beautiful gift. I am so happy for you, Mark and your kids that you had this gift to communicate from dimensions we can only imagine.🙏🏻💫🙏🏻

  5. Thanks for sharing this experience. I did something similar several months ago and had the same type of experience. I like to believe it is true- who are we to say it is not??

    I found it comforting- it sounds like you did too. I’m glad.

  6. I am so glad you had this experience.
    I think it is so important for your healing journey.
    Don’t tell Mark but I think he put Will up to this knowing full well you two would reap great rewards from the encounter.
    Blessings from Jamaica

  7. Kathy, your feelings aren’t fake. You are still connected to Mark’s energy, and there’s no explanation or single path for how that energy gets to you. I think it’s very open-minded to be available for any connection. I’m sorry you had to add the note at the end to protect yourself, but I’m so glad you have the strength and integrity to do that. You are doing a great job of taking care of yourself, and your family is an amazing support group.

  8. What a perfect story, and the way you weave your words is just magical.
    I’m so glad he came with you to soup night, and this is a powerful psychic reading. Hooray for you for going with Will, and thank you for sharing with us!

  9. We believe . Thank you so much for sharing this awesome experience.
    Thinking of you all with love ….. especially Mark. ❤️ Judy

  10. This was amazing. I think your experience is a wonderful gift that you can keep in your pocket and return back to over and over for genuine comfort. I saw a psychic after I lost my dad in an accident and had a similar experience. I have been afraid to go to her again in fear my brain will try to poke holes in her validity. The first experience was too precious and important to lose. Cheers to you for doing it. The veil is thin.

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