The Tour

Many years ago (in the hey day of Lance Armstrong) when the Tour De France started being televised, Mark watched it avidly. He’d watch as much live coverage as he could early in the morning before he had to leave for work, and then the replay every night. He’d explain the stages and the yellow jersey to me, the teams and their support cars trailing behind, the drafting off each other to save energy. I was only interested because he was, and he’d often call for me to come look at the racers pumping up the mountains and say, “Can you believe this, Kath? The power in their legs to get up a damn mountain?” I preferred when the race went through small villages and everyone showed up along the side of the road, where bikers and fans were bottlenecked together through narrow and harrowing streets. Because Mark and I were dreamers, every year we’d watch and I’d say that we should go to France for a few weeks so that we could see the Tour De France in person.

For two years there was a professional, organized race in Kansas City that we watched. Mark was so excited and we went to the starting point to see them take off and then jumped in the car to catch up to them racing along a beautiful and scenic parkway only a few miles from our house. To watch professional racers on t.v. versus in person was a night and day difference. The speed at which they cycled was incredible, if you blinked you would have missed them whooshing by. It was an adrenaline rush, and for someone like Mark such a thrill to be so close to athletes that were at the top of their game. We stood along the road as they came by then ran to the other side to catch a glimpse of them as they circled back.

I was talking to a friend who mentioned the Tour De France was ending Sunday with the famous ride through Paris. I turned it on in the morning and only lasted thirty minutes before I had to turn it off. Like just about everything since Mark has been gone, it didn’t hold the excitement that he brought to it, and while I try to return to the things that mattered to him it never works. Sometimes that makes me so pissed off and other times sad. Can’t anything be the same?

The answer to that is no, nothing is the same, especially me. The hardest thing about Mark’s death in the early months was seeing a future that was completely blank. There was nothing there and it was terrifying, not a single plan, not a how-to book, not a map towards another place that while not where I wanted to go was at least a destination.

After growing up with five siblings, then getting married, then raising three kids, these last two years have been all about me and I am so sick of me. Tired of asking myself how I am doing, weighing in on how my anxiety is, meeting weekly with my therapist, managing my triggers so they don’t take me under. How small conversations with some people can set me back for days if I don’t redirect them away from personal questions I don’t want to answer, how exhausting it is to manage this life that is so foreign to me I don’t even recognize it, how keeping my head above water is never a certainty on any given day.

As I start another year without Mark you would think I’d stop imaging him coming home but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and think he’s here, I see cyclist after cyclist ride by the house and beg one of them to round the corner and come up the driveway. I tolerate the days, I hate the nights, the nights where he is supposed to be next to me instead of God knows where. I don’t want to reinvent myself. I want my goddamn life back.

And I don’t get that.

Several years ago Mark and I were at a wedding for one of his colleagues and I was sitting next to a student I’d never met before. We were chatting and she said, “I love your blog. I read it all the time.” I was taken aback and said, “How do you even know about my blog?” “Oh,” she said, “Mark talks about it all the time. At the end of class, in the hallways, to anyone and everyone. He says you’re a great writer and we need to read it.” I looked over at Mark who was deep in conversation with someone else and thought, “You do? You tell everyone I’m a writer? I don’t even call myself that.”

When Mark was here there was a road map we drew together and it was surprising, unpredictable, and full of life and love. The destination never mattered because I got to do it all with him. Then he left and it’s taken me all this time to realize that he left a road map for me and every stop says the same thing.

Pay attention to this life because it all matters. Revel in the joy, laugh at the absurdity, sob when it breaks your heart, and celebrate the moments you manage to pull yourself out of the black hole of sad days.

Write, Specked Trout, write.


In case you hadn’t heard at least a dozen times by now, September is Suicide Prevention Month. For those of us who have lived through this kind of tragedy, every day is a walk down the Prevention & Awareness Path as we constantly recycle what we should have seen and could have stopped. I stare at every chart that shows up on my social media feed with its list of signs and say, “Not that one, not that one……”, and while I think awareness on something that is in the top ten of leading causes of death is important, often the warning signs are achingly absent. When those graphics are circulated but don’t match my experience in any way and I have a dead husband, it feels like a heaping pile of shame on top of shame.

I did not know. I don’t think Mark knew. I think he went to sleep that night (or maybe not) and at some point this became the solution that made the most sense to a brain that had become badly fractured in a very short time.

Anyone who knew Mark knew what he was committed to. He had stopped drinking four years earlier, was healthier than he’d ever been – still biking ten miles a day to work and back, and getting in his 10,000 steps. He got a new Fitbit from the kids two months earlier for his birthday and started tracking his sleep. He had done a lot of personal research on cognitive health and aging and read how important sleep was. He’d show his sleep cycle to everyone in an effort to convince them about rest and the brain. “Sleep is the street sweeper for your brain,” he’d say over and over. He was committed to social justice, to promoting science as a career especially among women, he was committed to the success of every student he taught regardless of whether they worked in his lab or not, he was committed to meeting his biking buddies before dawn on Saturday mornings and going out to breakfast after, he was committed to preserving energy which is why he rode his bike and had a battery charged lawn mower. He was committed to being an outspoken advocate for faculty at the med center and he never backed down from what he believed to be right.

But above all that, he was committed to me and to our kids and none of us doubted that for a minute.

Now two years since Mark’s death, I still don’t like meeting new people. I don’t like telling my story. I can say that I’m a widow but cannot answer, “How did your husband die?” without a blank stare and eyes that immediately fill with tears. The word suicide gets stuck in my throat and I feel so exposed that nothing comes out. The longer time has passed the less I can talk about the details of that day. Before I had to, now it feels like I was part of a sacrament that was holy in its heartbreak.

Much has changed over the years regarding suicide. Maybe that has to do with it being an epidemic, maybe because in recent years high profile public people have ended their lives and shocked the world. As such, saying someone “committed suicide” is no longer acceptable but rather “died by suicide.” Advocates argue that to say the former implies that the person who ended their life can be equated with a criminal.

For someone like me it makes a difference for other reasons. I knew what committed looked like. I saw it every day with startling passion and energy, and yet my husband ended his very vibrant life to the shock of everyone. On that day, the day he thought his last action on earth would make that emotional pain go away, it instead got transferred to me, and the demons that tightly clung to the backs of him, his father, and his sister came and sat next to me and said, “So are you going to do something about us or should we move on to your kids?” Every day since then I have looked them in the eye and said, “Over my dead body will you touch my kids,” and committed looks vastly different and daunting after you find yourself on the losing end of a fight you never knew you were in.

Tu Me Manques

Dear Mark,

In a few days it will be two years since I’ve looked deep into your gorgeous eyes or seen that smile that always did me in. I don’t know what happened to you that day and I’ve never been the kind of girl that likes mysteries. I don’t know if you slept that night, I don’t know when you left the house, I don’t know how it could all break inside of you and I could not know.

Since that day there is nothing in my life that is the same. How or if I eat is different, the groceries I buy, the water, electric, and cell phone bill, the bank balance, the amount of laundry I do, the car I drive, the job I have, my social life, what side of the bed to sleep on which I have yet to figure out. I even took the dog back to the shelter. In the first week we had him I said I didn’t think he would work out but you said that we should keep him because somebody had abused him, that you two had that in common. After you died, I reached my limit of looking into the eyes of something else I could not save.

My whole life I have wondered how a person can survive the tragic, sudden death of someone they loved. I mostly worried about the kids, but every day when you left for work on your bike I worried about you until you rounded the corner at day’s end. You ending your life in the way you did was something I never saw coming and the cruelty of it will haunt me for the rest of mine. I used to love to lay in bed at night and listen to the sound of the trains as their horn blasts cut through the cold winter air. Then you ran in front of one and that sound unnerved me to the point that I thought I would go mad.

To lose you that way means that I replay that day over and over. How panicky I felt that you weren’t calling me back, how everything felt off kilter, the police station, the calling the kids to come home, the shock on their faces when I told them you were dead, the call to Mallory who answered so cheerfully and then I had to deliver the most devastating news of her young life, your sister who kept saying, “No, no, no, that’s not true,” your mentor from graduate school who called and said, “When I heard the news I said I wouldn’t believe one word of it unless Kathy told me herself.” Joe calling from work. Joe, who you talked about every day like he was your brother, and the two of us crying and barely able to choke out a single word.

So many people showed up at our door, each one repeating the same thing, “I don’t know what to say.” Over and over I told the story of that morning. I learned later that this is common. You have to keep repeating it so you can believe it yourself. Even now I am still shocked daily that you aren’t here, and every night when I go to bed I try to figure out how to save you. I know it’s impossible to save a dead man, and yet I keep thinking of that one magical thing I should have said that would have stopped you from leaving us.

You are deeply missed by more people than you can imagine, but it is the kids who have risen and faltered on every step of this journey alongside me. You should know that they are not mad at you, none of us ever have been. For a split second that weekend I saw a glimpse of the broken boy inside of you that never healed. How could I be angry at the sharp edges of wounds you tried to keep bandaged until you couldn’t? How hard you worked to keep them from overtaking you and still they grabbed hold and took you under? Since your death the kids and I have talked about how you might have fared if the situation had been reversed, if I was the one who went first. You had enough pain in your life and I’m okay with taking this for the team to have spared you. I wish, though, that the kids could have been spared. They have had to learn too soon about so many conflicting and difficult thoughts and emotions and were far from done needing you in their life. It would be impossible to imagine any of them being more empathetic than they already were, but they allow me and each other grace that stops me in my tracks. You would be so proud of them. We taught them well, and despite all you accomplished in your professional life, it was each of them that were our best experiment.

Remember when I would show you the numbers on my blog when I had a good response to something I’d written? I write now about what this road has been like and I have those kinds of numbers all the time. My story of grief has become public and there are good and bad things to that. I write hard stuff, mainly as a source of understanding and release for myself, so people often make assumptions about me that aren’t true. It’s odd and yet I don’t care because expending energy on that sort of thing seems pointless when the work before me is to not become a raging shell of who I used to be. That would be the second tragedy of this and I couldn’t face you again if I were to allow that to happen. For so long I knew what it was like to be loved, to be heard, to be respected and admired. I wanted so much more of you and that life, and then the story ended with a harshness that I never could have imagined.

While my story is public I have kept most of yours private. There have been so many times when I have been asked why you ended your life and it’s so layered and complex and something I still struggle to understand. That has come with a heavy, emotional price and I regularly talk about it with my therapist. She once asked who besides me you would confide in and I said, “Nobody.” “Then I think,” she said, “that’s your answer to who is entitled to know your husband’s breaking point.”

Carla and I have had many long talks about dating which is absurd to think that either one of us would even be in this position and at the same time. She asked me one day what kind of guy I thought we’d end up with and I said, “He’d have to be somebody who was divorced, who couldn’t stand his ex-wife because who wants to keep hearing about the perfect first spouse? Making lasagna and him saying that Barb used the kind of noodles you don’t cook first and thinking she didn’t know what she was doing but you can’t say that because Barb hangs over the place like an inflatable from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. No thank you. Besides one house isn’t big enough for two altars to dead spouses.” Then we both laughed until we literally cried because, Jesus, how did this happen that we were even talking about something so ludicrous as both of you guys being dead and us dating? When I mention meeting someone to anyone outside of the Widow’s Club, I get two reactions. “You absolutely deserve to be happy,” or “I don’t think you’re ready for that.” You would be surprised at the amount of people who feel it necessary to weigh in on my life, and every time I hear your voice saying, “Fuck ’em, Kath,” which always makes me smile. One of your friends told me that the world would be a richer place if I were to fall in love again and the generosity of that statement still takes my breath away.

When you died and people said to me, “May he rest in peace,” I thought it was absurd. I was going through the motions and didn’t believe for one minute, even at your funeral, that you were actually dead. Anybody that knew you knew that you were constant motion. For you to rest, either here or there, has always seemed unlikely but the emotional torment about your death often feels like a hand around my ankle coming from the other side. I can’t tell if it’s you or if I am the one that is preventing myself from moving past that September morning. Neither one of us could give up a good fight, but I do know that if I stay in this place of reliving that day over and over it will kill me. For 40 years we were a beautiful, passionate couple and there isn’t a single waking minute in the day that I don’t miss that. I miss being happy. I miss being your girl. I miss stability. I miss bad jokes, recycled jokes, and inside jokes. I miss dinners, movies, road trips, and wandering around the garden center with a cup of coffee and a million ideas. I miss being at a party and you finding me and saying we should go home and do something more fun.

This has been the most painful two years of my life and my daily prayer is that your tender soul rests knowing that you were the joy and love of my life, that the way you lived made a difference in this world, that we all try to be better versions of ourselves because of you, and that despite the constant ache for you to be with us, the kids and I still try to live our days with passion. Daily being shocked at your death has been an unwelcome gift, for we know better than most that the expiration date can come at any moment. Knowing that changes everything so we live accordingly and trust that wherever you are you are wildly cheering for us. That keeps us going in a world that has lost much of its brilliance.

Tu me manques, Mark Fisher, tu me manques.

You are missing from me. You are missing from us. You are missing.


The Necessity of Work

I started working at the age of sixteen at the local Dairy Queen and except for a few years raising kids have not stopped. Mark’s long-term plan was to keep working until he was a crotchety old geezer, eventually giving up the professor life to work the bench for free for an up and coming younger scientist. I have always liked to work but was certain I’d kick back much sooner than him. We both came home every night and told our work stories/frustration/gossip and then did it the next day and the next. Mark worked at a university medical center, I worked across town at an urban campus.

My work history has always looked like someone who really didn’t know what they wanted to do with their life and that would be 100% accurate. Mark never understood why I couldn’t stick with one thing, but I’d get bored and want to try something new. When I got the university job it was the 11th interview I’d been on that summer. Some jobs I interviewed for seemed so bad that I never considered working there. Others I really wanted but didn’t get, and so I was shocked when the HR department called to offer me the job. My interview had been in a tiny conference room where eight people sat around a table and round-robin grilled me. It seemed like overkill for a part-time, accounting position and I should have been intimidated, but I could not stop sneezing before I left the house and took a Benadryl that kicked in as soon as I arrived in the parking garage. My only goal during that interview was to not do a face plant on the table.

I started a few weeks later and the learning curve was so steep I daily thought I wouldn’t make it. The training was awful with a convoluted reference guide the size of War & Peace. My coworker would pass contracts off to me for processing and payment and say, “You know how to do this, right?” I had no idea but I’d give a thumbs up and scramble to figure it out. Somehow I pulled if off and one year turned into two and eventually five.

When Mark died I took off work for three weeks. I felt like I needed longer but when I wasn’t there my job got dumped on someone else and it was one more thing to feel guilty about. I called my boss, we arranged a date to return, and walking back into that office was excruciating. Nearly everyone seemed to be somewhere else so I sat down at my desk and tried to figure out what needed to be done first. Like my early days there, I immediately felt like I was in over my head and didn’t even know where to start. It wasn’t long before the building services worker on our floor showed up at my desk. “Baby girl,” she said, “you don’t have to say one thing to me but I had to come here and see you with my own eyes to make sure you were okay.” I hugged her and said, “I’m not,” and we both cried. I barely survived that day and every one after for months. When the alarm went off each morning I wanted to call and say that I was quitting, that my life was too much of a mess to be able to produce anything, that they’d be better off with someone else. I kept going back, though, because I didn’t know what else to do. It was the only stable thing in my life, it was the only place I didn’t cry (much), it’s where I knew what I was supposed to do. Gradually it got easier and I could push through the payment requests, talk to students about their organization’s budget, and get back into my work routine. For that I credit my boss immensely and all of my coworkers who propped me up every day, who kept me busy with things that weren’t sad, who didn’t run away when I was having a hard day.

But after awhile I still felt the familiar push to move on to something else, then Covid hit and we were given notice in March to start working from home until further notice. Fast forward three months and the university is in dire financial straits, everything is in flux, and my position was eliminated. My boss texted me to schedule a meeting and I knew what was coming. I told him that it was okay, that I would miss him and everyone else dearly, that he was doing me a favor because I needed to leave and didn’t have the guts to do it.

I spent the next two weeks finishing things up then logged off for good, promising myself that I would take the rest of the summer off and not panic about having so much time on my hands. I slept a lot, I opened Mark’s closet and took all his shirts off hangers and folded them. I started walking again and making myself better dinners than microwave popcorn, and when that new routine was established I started crying and could not stop. Sobbing meltdowns in my quiet house with the clock tick-tocking like thunder towards two years of living without Mark .

One day the phone rang and it was from a retail job I got hired for months before, a job that was supposed to keep me busy on the weekends but one that I actually never worked because it closed due to Covid. “Would you like to come to work for us,” they asked, “because we’d love to have you.”

It might not make much sense to agree to that in a pandemic but I have grown accustomed to my life not making sense. I grabbed the life preserver being flung in my direction, opened my closet, picked out something to wear, and started something new. I haven’t worked on my feet in a long time and am too tired when I get home to do anything, but at day’s end I make another imaginary tally mark under a heading I never could have conceived.

Number of days the tentacles of sorrow didn’t grab me and pull me under?


COVID Coping

I feel like girls who drink whiskey have good stories. -Atticus

Recently I told my son that during this never ending pandemic, my choices for TV watching had hit new lows. “Mom,” Will said, “I don’t think this is the time to feel bad about how any of us are getting through this. We’re all making bad choices.” I heartily agreed and the floodgates of my choices suddenly had a signed permission slip from a responsible adult.

I am not much of a Netflix person or binge watcher as that requires commitment and attention, neither of which I currently have. Instead I scroll through regular cable and stop when I reach the bizarre. By accident I found Dr. Pimple Popper which is a misnomer because the people making the trek to see her have something far bigger than pimples. The show does a back story on each patient and how their physical conditions hinder their lives and then cuts to them walking in to see Dr. Pimple Popper. She perkily walks into the exam room and asks, “So what brings you in today?” I’m not sure how it’s possible that she can miss the basketball-sized growth on their forearm and even has to ask why they are there, but she always does. She examines them while they nervously bounce their feet and then the nurses come in with the big gun extracting blades. It is often gross and there is something wrong that this is even entertainment and that I get stopped in my tracks to take a look see. After watching several shows I can tell the difference between a lipoma and a sebaceous cyst, that scar tissue from piercings can do some crazy shit, that some things can be reduced but not eliminated, that crying at the end of the show is a given as these people are so happy once their disfiguring growths are gone.

Botched is a show about plastic surgery gone wrong . That one doesn’t make me cry due to the overwhelming vanity and stupidity of most of the patients. Brazilian butt lifts and Dominican Republic breast implants are an all-around bad idea, inflated lips the size of swollen inner tubes are still a thing, too much surgery on your nose will make your nostrils collapse, there really are women who have dozens of surgeries so they can resemble a Barbie doll. I’ve stumbled on My 600# Life which is incredibly sad to me, especially since the doctor treating these patients is an overweight, cranky loon with a bad toupe. Smothered is about mothers and daughters who are so unhealthily attached to each other that they dress alike and the husband/father is nothing more than a bystander to the bizarre.

By far the most fascinating bad TV hole for me to fall into is Hoarding: Buried Alive. This has been on for years and MADE MARK CRAZY. If he walked in the bedroom when it was on he’d shake his head in disgust and I was never sure if it was directed at me or the hoarders. The kids felt the same way and if I wanted to talk about an episode they’d go running from the room. Almost all of these hoarders have had some kind of trauma that makes them buy and save everything until they are climbing mountains of stuff to get to the fridge which has moldy and rancid food. They have very strained relationships with family members and are in danger of having their homes condemned by the city if they don’t clean things up. A psychologist and professional organizer are brought in to help them first uncover why they can’t get rid of anything and then to help them sort through their stuff to decide what stays and what goes. The psychology part is really interesting to me, the organizing part is a shit show. Once the hoarder agrees to help, a team of people come in and things move really fast, the point being to not have the hoarder agonize over every single thing. It goes well at first and then the hoarder gets overwhelmed and starts screaming, “MY STUFFED BEARS!! YOU CAN’T THROW AWAY ALL THE STUFFED BEARS!!” The psychologist and organizer have to do an intervention and the relatives shake their heads and say, “I told you she was going to be like that.” Then the hoarder screams a bunch of ef bombs at everyone and storms off to chain smoke. In the end, though, things usually get cleaned up, the kids come back to visit, and the hoarder vows to not bring any more crap home.

If you ever talk about a Hoarders show with people, they fall into two camps. The ones who can recite whole episodes, “Did you see the one where they found the dead dog behind the t.v. and they had to stop filming because the woman was so distraught? She totally thought Rusty had run away and turns out he was deader than a doorknob.” Or there are the Marks of the world who recoil in horror when you start talking about a show where people save garbage and look at you and say, “How can you watch something like that?” And I have no idea but he could watch the History Channel for hours until I’d whisper in his ear, “We defeated the Nazis. I thought you knew.”

I was recently talking to someone in the latter camp whose face gave away her thoughts on being buried alive by plastic bags of VHS tapes, but then she told me a story that catapulted Hoarders to a whole new level. She is a nurse that treats patients for wound care which is a special level of grossness. She and her coworker were called into a patient’s room who had irritation and itching under her breasts that would not go away. It also smelled bad so clearly something was getting infected that needed treatment. The patient was overweight and trying to get her to a position to where they could get her comfortable to even look at the problem took an enormous effort on both their part. When they finally did and one of them was holding her breasts up, the other said she thought she saw fur. “What??!!!,” I shrieked. “Wait,” Wound Care Nurse said, “I haven’t gotten to the best part.” So she looked at her teammate and was motioning ixnay on the furay in front of the patient and they kept working in tandem until finally they could get a good enough look to see what was causing this irritation.

A dead cat. There was a dead cat under this women’s ta-tas.

I had so many questions. How did she not know there was a dead cat under her breasts? How did the cat…….? Where did the cat….? How in the world? She had no answers as their job was to find and treat the infection, a social worker would deal with the obvious problem that animals dying under a laden bosom needed to be addressed.

Once I heard that story, ranked in the top five of best stories, I felt that if there is ever an end to this pandemic and we can start eating out with friends again, that we should raise a glass of whiskey and tell our outrageous tales from 2020. Any other year nobody would ever believe them, but in the Year of the Covid it all seems plausible. In the meantime, barely-coping-pandemic people, watch your shitty shows, eat badly, order useless crap from the internet, apologize to no one for your awful choices, and by all means check under your breasts. There might be story gold under them there hills.

Somewhere in Vermont 2016

Setting Fire

I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, twenty miles south of the Windy City. The town was settled in the 1800s by Dutch immigrants and at the time of my youth was still referred to as “The Onion Capital of the World.” I’m not sure if that little town qualified for the title but I do know that every summer the smell of green onions permeated the air.

Back in those days the town was still predominately Dutch and they owned the furniture store, the bakery, the grocery store, and nearly all the banks. Every few miles was a Dutch church where attendance was required twice on Sundays which seemed excessive to me and my siblings who couldn’t hold our attention for an hour at the Catholic church. My mom mostly didn’t care for the Dutch. She said they were cheap and could clutch a dollar bill tighter than anyone. On Sundays when we would swim at the neighbor’s pool, my mom would sip an afternoon beer looking two doors down at the bored Dutch family drinking lemonade and say, “You kids should be grateful you’re not Dutch. Those poor kids can’t even bounce a ball on Sundays.”

In those days everyone knew the nationality of everybody else and sweeping generalizations were made in regards to that. It was also everyone’s business to know what church you went to and where your kids went to school. The Catholic kids were raised to believe that the kids who went to public school were pagans and would probably burn in hell at death. The public school kids thought the Catholic kids were part of a cult who dressed the same way for eight years in order to identify each other. In the neighborhood we would play together but it didn’t go smoothly, what with them being pagan devil spawns and all.

Years into living in our neighborhood, a new family moved in down the street. They were not Dutch but Polish and Catholic so that was good. I didn’t know much about the Polish but Mom said they were good housekeepers as evidenced by the Gra***inskis who washed their windows inside and out every few months. Shirley Gra***inski was a large women who wasn’t afraid to stand her ground against anyone and had a voice that could be heard for miles when she called her kids home for dinner. You really didn’t want to mess with Shirley and she seemed to live in a near constant state of friction. If her husband had an opinion on Shirley’s state of mind he didn’t say much. Even he seemed afraid of her.

Shirley didn’t like her next door neighbors who happened to be Dutch and one day there was a confrontation that sent her over the edge. She paid my mom a visit to tell her that she was so mad at them that she filled a paper sack full of dog shit, lit it on fire, and left it on their front porch. Mom told us the story at dinner and Dad was appalled. Mom, on the other hand, was a little harder to read. I think deep down she admired this solution because she thought the Dutch had it coming for all sorts of reasons.

That incident was the first of many dog shit fires in the neighborhood. Mom would roll her eyes and say, “Everybody knows it was Shirley. That’s her calling card.” When I reached adulthood and had neighbors of my own I often thought about these conflicts. Did Shirley get mad and say, “Kids, here’s a brown sack. I need you to find me some fresh dog turds and don’t come home until you do.” Did they come home with less than fresh ones where she would open the bag, examine them and say, “These won’t work. Try down the street where the bulldogs live.” Did she ever sit with her anger and think maybe this whole fire thing is over the top? Did she ever approach the neighbor to try to work it out? Was she in the throws of a raging menopause?

I think my mom thought Shirley went too far when one day she left a flaming sack of shit on Ed’s porch because he called her a fat, dumb Polack. I don’t know why he called her that especially since his own wife was Polish, but back in those days name calling was as normal as the smell of onions all summer long. “Everyone knows Ed would give you the shirt off his back,” Mom said which to her was reason enough for him not to deal with flaming dog crap.

All these years later I know now what it feels like to be Shirley. When people have looked at me and in a down low voice asked if I had reached the “anger” stage of grief, I looked at them in disbelief. Anger? Me? Why would I be angry? And I wasn’t in the first year because I was in shock, and when year #2 rolled around I still wasn’t angry. I was in a rage, a burn-it-down-to-the-ground rage. Small talk made me want to hurl dishes against a brick wall, the question of “So what are you doing this weekend” made me want to sarcastically say, “Crying then sobbing then back to crying. How about you?” I simmered at Facebook posts about my wonderful husband even though in the before I had done the same thing. Couples walking in the park made me want to chuck my shoes at them. I raged at people who had treated Mark badly, people who never apologized for the hurt they inflicted on him.

I wanted to go Shirley on the world and light it all on fire because anger feels productive. Sadness is another day sitting in the mud of grief unable to move, it is going nowhere again and again and again. Along the way I have learned that people are okay with grief making you sad so long as you stay in the right lane where the traffic moves really slow. Wanting to cross lanes where things moves faster with love, companionship, vacations, and sweet dinners on lighted patios is for couples and you’re not one of them any more.

Then the world got a crash course in grief when a pandemic hit and missing your people put everyone in a collective state of longing and sadness. No dinners with family or meeting friends for happy hour, no grandkids popping by for a visit, no hug for the friend going through heartache, no trip to assisted living to visit your elderly parent. Masks, social distancing, and connecting via Zoom became the new normal. I can’t even count the times since Mark died that I have been told that I will need to find a new normal. How do you explain that the old normal was lovely and uniquely yours? How do you set fire to a phrase you hate?

You don’t.

You mourn all the normal that got snatched from your hands and that you miss so terribly you physically ache. You set it on fire with white hot rage and the heat of it singes your eyebrows with an intensity that terrifies you. When it clears you hope it provides the light for a sign pointing somewhere. It’s not what you wanted but the charred remains around you are no place to plant anything. You take a deep breath and a step and tell yourself that you will be okay even though you don’t believe a word of it.

Or you keep setting brown paper bags of dog shit on fire and make sure everyone around you knows you’re angry. It’s either forward or madness.

Suck It Up

For as long as my curly-headed brain can remember, I have loved to vacuum. Back in the day I remember cleaning half the bedroom I shared with my sister, moving the bed and dresser and sucking up the cobwebs and dust and feeling instant gratification. Her side was messy, mine was pristine, and while most girls that age had a crush on the Monkees, I had one with them and the vacuum cleaner.

That relationship got even more meaningful when Mark and I had kids. Smashed Cheerios and pretzels on the floor? No problem. Let me vacuum it up and calm my frazzled nerves with the sound of a motor sucking up another mess. Kids fighting every single day of summer break over who gets to sit in the front seat on the way to the pool? Let me run the vacuum and drown out their daily argument. When one of my Hoovers needed new bags I went to a locally owned small appliance store and saw a Miele – a German engineered Mercedes Benz of vacuum cleaners. I asked for the details on it and when the salesman said, “You can’t find a better vacuum cleaner on the market,” I pulled out the Visa card and bought it on the spot. That Visa card already had a rolling balance every month and there was a big difference between the cost of six bags versus a new expensive vacuum cleaner, but the minute I got it home, plugged it in, and ran it over the hardwood floors I knew I’d made the right decision. A few years ago Mark kept telling me it smelled bad and asked me if I’d vacuumed up barf with it. “Vacuum barf? Who would do something like that,” I asked him. “I think you might,” he said. I hadn’t (that I was aware of) and I think he was jealous of my Miele because I always gazed at it like a beloved old boyfriend.

My ongoing preoccupation to vacuum made Mark nuts from the beginning. On my first married birthday, Mark got me some tiny diamond earrings. A few months later he came home to find me sifting through the vacuum cleaner bag to try to find one of them that I had accidentally sucked up. I never did find it and he never let me forget that those diamond earrings were $90 which in our broke and destitute days was more like $1000. On Sunday afternoons when I wanted to “tidy up a bit” and the vacuum was on then off then on then off, he said, “I know you’re anal retentive but I just want to watch the game. That’s all. Let me watch the Bears game in peace and then you can run that thing all you want.” He had a point and so I’d vacuum on Saturdays so the house was nice and quiet on Sundays when he would scream profanities at the t.v.

Over the years I think Mark came to appreciate (or resigned himself to) walking into a house that wasn’t constantly upended by the mess of life, a place where you could breathe and dump your worries and problems and relax from the stress on the other side of the door. But even when it was back to just the two of us and the house didn’t get very dirty, I’d still regularly roll out my Miele. From the kitchen Mark would yell over the sound of the vacuum, “WHY DON’T YOU JUST GO WIPE YOUR ASS AND YOU’LL FEEL BETTER,” and I’d yell back, “MY NEXT HUSBAND IS GOING TO RESPECT ME,” and he’d say, “GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.”

Two days after Mark died the kids and I went to the Cremation Society to make arrangements. It was surreal. Somebody that sounded like me was answering questions and keeping remarkably calm but I don’t know who she was. I never met her before. We were ushered into an office where the business part of Mark’s body had to be discussed and then we were invited to look at urns. Like a herd of deer in headlights, the kids and I walked around trying to find one that would be Mark’s final resting place.

I hated them all. I thought they were ugly, I thought they were expensive, and I mostly thought what are we even doing in this place. Finally I said to the kids, “I’m not being cheap. I’m really not but I cannot spend money on something I hate and that Dad would hate even more. I can’t put him in one of these.” I think there was a collective sigh of relief between us all. Mark wasn’t an urn kind of guy and I wasn’t about to make him one at death.

When the cremation guy came out to find out what we chose, I said we’d stick to the plain box and figure out something else. He wondered if maybe we’d like small individual urns and I thought that would be a good idea so we all grudgingly picked out a small urn. Then he asked me if I wanted them sealed. I said no because how was Mark supposed to come back to us if his ashes were sealed in an urn?

“Hmmm,” he said. “That might be a bit of a problem then.” He grabbed the urn and showed us how the top easily came off. Off then on he lifted the top and I was so confused about what the problem was. “As you can see,” he said, “the top of the urn doesn’t seal so what could happen is that if it were to get knocked over the ashes might spill onto the floor and there have been occasions where people have vacuumed up their beloved’s ashes.”

I didn’t know whether to laugh or be horrified. I did know that me and my Miele could totally do something like that and then I’d have to put the vacuum cleaner bag under plexiglass with a sign that says Here Lies Mark Fisher. May He Rest In Peace With The Dead Spiders And Cat Hair And May Perpetual Light Shine Upon All Of Them. I ordered the urns and had them sealed, and on the way out the door the cremation guy tried to upsell us some necklaces with Mark’s ashes so we could wear him around our neck. I declined and when we collapsed into the car to drive home Will said, “Well, that was fucked up,” which was the most apt description of everything.

Later on I got each of our small urns and tenderly handed the kids their individual container of heartache. I kept mine on the nightstand until a few months ago when I decided that it didn’t represent Mark’s life at all and I didn’t want to look at it every night. Maggie broached the subject one day with me and said, “I think I’m not going to keep my urn. I think I’d like to open it and spread the ashes around the oak tree Dad and I grew from an acorn.” I said that was fine with me and she didn’t need to feel guilty about it.

Last summer we spread most of Mark’s ashes in Yosemite. This summer I’m going to pry open that stupid little urn and walk the same creek Mark did two days before he died. The creek close by the house that made him smile when he came home and talked about it. That as he picked stickerballs off his pants I looked at him and thought there you are. You’re still there and I’m still here and we will be okay. You will be okay. And then he died and I wondered if that adventure was his farewell to what he loved most about being outside.

I don’t know. I just know that Mark never lived a contained life so I’m going to let those ashes join the mud and the water and the minnows and see what springs to life when set free.

Maybe it will be me.

Maine 2017

Sainthood & The Secret

Many years ago there was a book called The Secret. There was a lot of hype about it and whenever the author would appear on talk shows she would dance around the premise of the book and never reveal the secret. If you wanted to know the secret you had to buy the book, and if someone you knew read the book it was apparently a secret to keep it a secret. When the buzz died down and the secret wasn’t so heavily guarded, I learned that it was about the law of attraction and how you can use that to change your money, relationships, health, and happiness. That really didn’t seem like such a big secret and I felt as let down as Ralphie in A Christmas Story after decoding his Little Orphan Annie ring.

Death has a magical tendency to immediately elevate someone to sainthood and that has certainly been the case with Mark. He was far from it and he’d be the first one to admit it. His suicide and what led up to it is so layered and complicated that I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure out that fateful choice and still not completely understand what was going through his mind at that point. While I know he thought he was doing me and the kids a favor by removing himself from our lives, it was anything but and the circumstances of his death will reverberate with each of us forever. On the many nights I don’t sleep, I often imagine him walking in the door where I would either fall to my knees in gratitude or scream at him that after forty years he owed me a goodbye. I have read enough about the mindset of someone wanting to end their life to know that in order for them to go through with it there is an emotional detachment that occurs. Because Mark was such a passionate person whose love I never doubted, it is beyond my ability to understand how that happened.

Likewise, our marriage was most assuredly not a union of saints. We argued often about big things and dumb things. One time we argued all the way home from a party, and a few blocks from our house I got so pissed at Mark that at a red light I opened the door and told him I would walk the rest of the way home. He said that was fine by him and when he didn’t come back for me I was even more pissed. The next morning neither one of us could figure out what that epic fight was even about. When we were visiting New York and had walked miles and miles, I told Mark I needed to stop someplace and eat. He said I couldn’t be hungry because we’d just eaten three hours ago. I sarcastically asked him how he could possibly know how hungry I was. We went back and forth on the sidewalk, and if it were anywhere but New York, people might have been curious to know why this couple was airing their dirty laundry out in public. I walked across the street and found a place to eat and ordered lunch. Mark came in a few minutes later and asked if I was okay. I said I wasn’t and all that walking was making my foot throb from a broken bone I had a few months earlier. He said I should have said something, I said he should have known, he sarcastically asked me how he was supposed to know my foot hurt. You could say we frequently had a failure to communicate.

There were bigger cracks between us, too, things that I sometimes thought couldn’t be repaired. Times when both of us wanted to throw up our hands and say, “This isn’t what I signed up for.” A friend said she admired that we could have such intense disagreements and somehow always be able to figure it out. I was surprised by that statement and she said, “You do know that some couples never argue, right? They simmer and resent and swallow all the hurt down until they retreat into apathy or explode in divorce,” and that seemed far unhealthier to me than arguing. Even in the midst of our most trying times, even when he made me crazy, Mark Fisher was my favorite person on earth. He was the first person I wanted to tell the good news and the bad news to, the one who shared my outlook, empathy, and humor on life, the one who challenged my thinking and pushed the limits of my experiences, the one who always believed me to be a writer first and everything else second. The repeated difficulty of his death is trying to make sense of being abandoned by the person I least thought would leave me. In the firestorm of those complex feelings, why does it seem as though death suddenly anointed Mark to the status of being a saint?

It didn’t.

I never bought into The Secret because it seemed too self-serving, but there are some things that are only revealed when events out of your control take a machete to what you hold dear. Since Mark died there isn’t a day that passes that I don’t know how achingly fragile we all are. In the blink of an eye I had to learn how to dance with life and loss, and in trying to learn those complicated steps I remind myself to tend to the love lest my garden flowers in bitterness.

Funny Like A Clown

In the history of the Fisher family, I tended to make self-improvement proclamations for the betterment of all like I was The King of the Forest. Because Mark was busy with his career and had bigger fish to fry, he gave me enough chain to cause me to believe I was being taken seriously but not enough to think I had any control over the ragamuffins under this roof.

I’d throw down gauntlets like:

  • There will be a mandatory meeting at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the division of labor in this household.
  • I will no longer be doing laundry for this family and by this family I mean you people.
  • Remember when we got the dog and everybody said they’d take turns walking him? You have now forced me to schedule you for a shift.
  • Our vacation is in danger of being cancelled for insubordination.
  • If you keep leaving dirty dishes in your bedroom we will have a roach infestation and the county health department will shut this house down and we will have to live in the car.

Behind the scenes I think Mark gathered his frightened little fishes around and said, “If this is anything like your Mom’s affirmations to eat better and exercise more it should last three days tops and then we’re back to being as good as gold. Just toe the line for a few days and don’t worry about going on vacation. It may be without Mom but we’re going.”

I’d issue decrees in our marriage too. Helpful tips for Mark to be a better husband in which he’d nod and say, “Good idea,” and shove a spoonful of Wheaties in his mouth while working on his computer. I’d say, “You’re not even listening to me,” and then he’d repeat verbatim what I said so that always backfired. If Oprah had a particularly interesting show I’d wait until we were in bed and say, “So I was watching Oprah today and there was a marriage expert on and he said……..” After a few years of that Mark rolled over one night and said, “I can’t with the Oprah stuff. I just can’t any more.”

Many years ago one of his colleagues was separated and going through a painful divorce and we invited him for Thanksgiving. I was disappointed that we couldn’t spend the holiday with family, and, Mark, who decided he would be in charge of the turkey was doing it all wrong in my opinion. I was so mad at him that I left with the dog and walked for an hour but as soon as I got home we started arguing again. Finally he said, “What is wrong with you? Why are you being such a bitch?” I screamed, “I’M PREGNANT and everything makes me want to puke especially the smell of this turkey.” Admittedly, the delivery of my breaking news flash was not the best (or even close) and he stared at me and said, “You’re pregnant?? What? Really? You’re really pregnant? That’s crazy and good, really good,” and it was because it always took us a long time to get pregnant and this was a wonderful surprise. We hugged and cried it out, I asked him to quit opening the oven door so much because the smell was making me gag, he said he’d try but that he happened to be a masterbaster and who wants a dry turkey, and the dinner went off without a hitch except for Mark who would smile and lean over to me every few minutes and say, “You’re really pregnant?”

A year later when this colleague’s life had settled down he wanted to have a party to thank everyone who helped him out during his rough patch and Mark and I were invited. He had gotten a hot tub which were very new at the time, and the invite was explicit in including that we should come with towels. When Mark told me I said, “Oh we can’t do the hot tub. We’ll have to leave before that happens.” Mark wanted to know why and I said, “Because, Mark, people go in hot tubs naked and I am not going to do that in front of your work friends. I just had my third baby and besides that it’s just wrong to not be wearing clothes at a party.” We went to the party and before long the hot tub talk started which was my clue to get Mark to leave. He was disappointed as he wanted to experience this new trend while I thought I was doing him and his chances at tenure a massive favor.

On Monday, Mark came home from work and said, “I have to tell you about the rest of the party and who turned out to be the biggest idiot.” Oh this is going to be good, I thought, and said, “Wait while I pour myself a glass of wine,” because I needed to savor this naked gossip and get comfy while hearing the deets. “So,” Mark said, “I go into work and everyone who went to the party wants to know why we left early because it was so much fun and I tell them that you were uncomfortable about the hot tub. They said it was great because the water was hot and it was really cold outside and it was the perfect night for it. I tell them that you didn’t want to be naked with everyone and they say NAKED?? We weren’t naked. We were wearing bathing suits so I say BATHING SUITS??? Kath told me you do hot tubs in the buff and they said well you can but you wouldn’t do that in front of a bunch of people. You’d wear a bathing suit. So you want to know who was the biggest idiot that night? You. It was you.”

I looked at him in disbelief. “You wear a bathing suit? I never heard of that. I read a People magazine article about Hugh Hefner and it sure looked like there was nakedness in that hot tub.” “HUGH HEFNER???!!!” Mark yelled. “Hugh Hefner from Playboy? We live in fucking Kansas. Didn’t you think it might be a bit different here from the Playboy mansion?” I obviously did not and then started laughing hysterically and said, “Oh my god, Mark, we should have stayed and when everyone was in the hot tub with their bathing suits on we could have paraded out naked and acted like it was all cool. Wouldn’t that have been so funny? Like we didn’t get the memo?” Mark looked at me and said, “Sure, Kath, real funny, funny like a clown.”

A few days before Mark died we were sitting at the dining room table eating dinner. The back of our house faces our neighbor’s screened in porch and I noticed them sitting out there. These neighbors are gay and have since moved, and we were crazy about them. They talked to Mark over the fence all the time, and when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of legalizing gay marriage we were so happy for them we left a bottle of wine and a note for them on their porch. As we were eating dinner I said to Mark, “They always look like they’re having a serious conversation, don’t they? Sometimes I wonder if they might be breaking up.” “I don’t think so,” Mark said, “I think they’re just talking.” He kept eating and I said, “We should have more serious conversations and talk about our feelings.” Mark shoved a forkful of salad in his mouth and asked, “Haven’t we been doing that all weekend?” “Well, yeah,” I said, “but really serious and digging deep. You know, like lesbians do.” He looked at me and said, “If we’re not lesbians how are we supposed to communicate like them?” I let out a sigh and said, “We could try,” and by we I meant him.

A few days later the unimaginable happened and these dear friends came to the house, distraught like everyone else. The kids were here and we all cried when they walked in the door because they have always felt like family when our own family has always been so far away and were scrambling to get to us. They wanted to know what happened, they told me Mark seemed very off on that Sunday when they’d seen him outside, they were so very sorry for me and the kids. In the course of talking about that weekend I told them about the conversation between me and Mark and how I thought they always seemed to have such deep and meaningful conversations that we should emulate as a couple. They looked so puzzled when I said that and finally K. asked, “Am I bent forward with my head down?” “Yes,” I said, “exactly like that, like you’re intently listening.” She laughed and said, “Whenever we sit out on the back porch we play cards.”


A few months before Mark died, I got a bone density test. I’d had one before and the results weren’t stellar since thin, crumbling bones is the card that was dealt to the women in my family. I had been avoiding another scan for too long until my doctor insisted on it and the results were borderline osteoporosis. This raised all the flags and I was written a prescription for a bone building med. Because I dabble in drama, I immediately spiraled into despair as I pictured myself as the female version of Quasimodo who was going to spend her golden years looking at filthy floors because she was unable to lift her head.

Mark did more than dabble in facts and immediately got on the case. Part of his job was to facilitate med student discussion groups where a topic was assigned and the students were supposed to find research on it and advise a protocol. He assigned his group osteoporosis and told them his wife was pretty close to having it so he needed some good published papers to reference. After that he came home and told me that based on the research of the med students and a discussion with his friend, Joe, I should take the prescription. I presented my own research that showed that the drugs could cause necrosis of the jaw and how did he think I’d look without a jaw. Mark asked, “How long did it take you to find the one case where someone’s jaw died,” and with the confidence of an acclaimed Google Researcher I said, “Long enough to make me not want to roll that dice.”

I kept on doing my own fact finding and all of it said that exercise and supplements was the best way to build bone. On my breaks at work I’d do a couple of loops around the campus, I only took the stairs in my building, up and down three flights several times a day, and then I’d walk after dinner every night to get my 10,000 steps. Though he never said it, I think Mark looked at walking as being kind of lame for a manly man like him who started and ended every day in a spandex outfit, and so he’d say, “Have a good walk,” and keep watching cable news and screaming at the t.v about Trump. But one day he came home and told me about some research he’d read that showed walking to be great exercise for cognitive health and he started joining me after dinner. I loved those walks as we talked about everything under the sun for a quick 30-40 minutes around the park and through the neighborhood. It made it go by so fast and it didn’t seem like exercise but our own little staff meeting every night.

On the weekend before Mark died the one thing we kept doing throughout was walking. Our walks were longer and a bit slower than usual, there were some heartbreaking revelations that made us both stop and look at each other, there was understanding mixed with utter confusion about things I did not know, there was quiet and unspoken love. One night I checked my Fitbit to see how close I was and if we needed to walk further or head for home and Mark said to me, “Don’t you love it when you hit it and the fireworks go off?” Mark never lost his boyish wonder at those kinds of simple things and I miss that so much.

After Mark died, I took my Fitbit off and put it in a drawer. I’d walk to clear my head and look for my husband who must have lost his way on his bike and needed to find me so I could show him the way back home. Achieving 10,000 steps in a day and the density of my shitty bones were the least of my problems.

A few weeks ago I opened the drawer, took my Fitbit out and charged it. I strapped it on my wrist, put my gym shoes on, and headed out the door. Since then I’ve worn it daily and have only reached my goal once which isn’t so important to me at least for now. I look back at Mark’s last summer here and and wonder if meeting my goal every day was something I was doing for myself or to give Mark a reason to be proud of me. It’s one of those dumb insecurities I have now that circle round and round when I know we were always proud of each other and said so often.

I walk now in search of a new life I never wanted and try to find some pride in the way I am doing it. Some days I can see it and some days not, but in every single one of those steps is the prayer that I will have fireworks again in my life.