Broken Boys

Sometimes when Mark and I would wax poetic about the freedom we had as kids, how you could be gone on your bike for hours and nobody worried where you were as long as you were home for dinner, our kids would be envious. Often they would say, “I wish I lived back then,” and I would explain that those good old days were sometimes countered with especially awful days. Physical punishment was the norm then, and my brothers on many occasions would be hit across the backside with my Dad’s belt. I can remember their pleading, their I’m-sorry-I’ll-never-do-it-again, and ultimately their cries throughout the house. Those memories all these years later have not lost their power.

As those things go as you get older, the stories took on a life of their own. I don’t know why because I think for all involved it was traumatizing. Mark had his own stories but there was one in particular that I never could shake. His mom had made a cake and the next day, as it was sitting on the counter, he asked his dad if he could have a piece. He told him no and so he did what every kid does. He went outside, found his mom, and asked her if he could have a piece of cake. She said yes and as he stood in the kitchen eating it his dad walked in. As soon as he saw Mark he slapped him so hard across the face the cake flew out of his mouth. “When I tell you no it means no,” he said and walked out of the room. There were other stories far worse than that, but that one still rattles me. Getting slapped across the face is very much about rage, but it’s also about humiliation and who does that to a kid for eating a piece of cake?

On the weekend before Mark died, as we were out walking one night, he said to me, “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be an adult and realize that in the house you grew up in the kids were the prey?” I will always be without words to describe the pain and confusion I saw in his face at that moment.

Mark was born prematurely at 3.5# in 1954. The necessity of skin-to-skin contact or bonding like there is now was unheard of in those days whether you were a full-term infant or not. There was only a tiny baby fighting for life under fluorescent lights with a lot of wires hooked up to him. When his parents talked of that time it was never about the crushing worry you would expect the parent of any premature baby to have, but more that their decisions saved him. I don’t know. That may be true or maybe they got lucky and this infant made it when he probably shouldn’t have. It was a long time into my therapy before I talked about Mark being a preemie. My therapist dove deep into that information and said that the essential need of every newborn did not happen to him until months later when he was released from the hospital. By then it was likely too late and that forming a bond with me must have felt terrifying to him because he had no idea what to make of it.

I know he could tell me things he couldn’t tell anyone else. I know he trusted me. I also know that when he went to a few therapy sessions he never went there. After he died I was so mad at him for that, for not talking about the trauma he and his sister lived through, and how I blamed myself for all of it. How I should have forced the issue, how I treated it like it was “his” problem but his problem was very much our problem. Over and over I have brought this up in therapy, how it has wracked me with guilt until my therapist said to me, “It is one thing to go to a therapist for anxiety and depression or grief. It’s an entirely different thing to go for shame.” What Mark was ashamed of was not going to see the light of day if he could help it.

Then one morning he left the house and died by his own making because that’s how you kill shame once and for all. If I could beg anyone reading about my experiences these past few years, it would be to call a professional, to pull every painful thing out of the closet and from underneath the bed where The Memory Monsters sleep every night waiting to snatch your ankle if you dare brush past them. Because little boys whose souls were broken by abuse grow up to be broken men, and the bravest thing one can do is to tell every horrible detail to a licensed counselor and believe them when they look you in the eye and says, “None of it was your fault.”

None of it.

Then learn how to forgive yourself for the years of self-loathing, and by all means, enjoy a piece of cake.

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Author: Kathleen Fisher

Kathleen Fisher is a Chicago girl at heart though she moved from there many years ago when a handsome scientist swept her off her feet. What started as a light-hearted blog about life, marriage, and kids turned more serious in September of 2018 when her husband of 35 years ended his life. A new journey began that day and she now writes about unexpected loss, grief, and finding a path towards healing.

16 thoughts on “Broken Boys”

  1. This is my husband’s story too. He can’t talk about certain things that happened growing up with an abusive father & a broken mother. He has just recently been able to say he didn’t deserve any of it. & I’m proud of him for that. He also went to therapy once & came out white as a ghost & said he “ can’t go there “

  2. Oh Kathy, this one stung. I am adopted, lived in a foster home with someone – no idea who – for 3 weeks. No photos, no notes, nothing. It has haunted me for years.

    My parents never dealt with their emotions from being infertile and they took their pain out on me and my sibling. Too high expectations, needed to be “perfect children” to reflect well on them and a myriad or other abuse and pain.

    I hold so much of what you wrote of in my own heart. Getting help today. Thank you again. You have a gift and I’m happy you are sharing it with the world.

  3. This should be in the NYTimes, The Washington Post and every other national newspaper. Anyone who has ever experienced not being good enough, needs to hear that it’s not their fault. Well done, Kathy and beautifully written.

  4. I have tears in my eyes for Mark and for you, even though we have never met.
    Your wisdom and insight reminds me of a Frederick Douglass quote: “Once thoroughly broken down, who is he that can repair the damage.”
    Take good care. XXXOOO

  5. Needed to read this today.
    Your words today may help a “Broken” person begin to attempt to mend ……. ❤️………
    Thank you for sharing your pain.

  6. Thank you for this heart breaking but necessary post. My husband suffered shame for years. We went to therapy because I demanded it.
    Abuse fucking sucks.

  7. Yes 🙌🏼 this needs to be brought up from the depths of despair, the shadows of shame, and the wreckage within those who’ve kept the stories buried. You are helping to enlighten, for those carrying what feels too unbearable to mention you are casting a bright light of permission and compassion to guide their way. Brilliant and beautifully expressed even with the pain you’ve endured or perhaps because of it. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. This is so powerful. My heart was pounding out of my chest by the end of the piece. I’m so sorry for Mark’s trauma. I’m so sorry for your pain and trauma. As always, I’m rooting for you.

  9. Tears are pouring down my cheeks, as I read this, the pain he carried for so very long how awful. That line about being “ the prey’ was just so hard to understand that any child lived that.
    Thank you for the outpouring of your soul to us, this was one of your best ❤️

  10. Mothers make cake for their families o make them happy. It’s heartbreaking to think of that cake being a source of pain for one’s child many years later. Awful. I hope the people who need it hear this. Love to you.

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