Suck It Up

For as long as my curly-headed brain can remember, I have loved to vacuum. Back in the day I remember cleaning half the bedroom I shared with my sister, moving the bed and dresser and sucking up the cobwebs and dust and feeling instant gratification. Her side was messy, mine was pristine, and while most … Read more

Sainthood & The Secret

Many years ago there was a book called The Secret. There was a lot of hype about it and whenever the author would appear on talk shows she would dance around the premise of the book and never reveal the secret. If you wanted to know the secret you had to buy the book, and … Read more

Funny Like A Clown

In the history of the Fisher family, I tended to make self-improvement proclamations for the betterment of all like I was The King of the Forest. Because Mark was busy with his career and had bigger fish to fry, he gave me enough chain to cause me to believe I was being taken seriously but … Read more


A few months before Mark died, I got a bone density test. I’d had one before and the results weren’t stellar since thin, crumbling bones is the card that was dealt to the women in my family. I had been avoiding another scan for too long until my doctor insisted on it and the results … Read more


I am always hesitant to talk about any unusual things that have happened since Mark’s death as he was highly skeptical of that kind of stuff. I’d read my horoscope every day and over coffee tell him whether I was going to have a good day or not before it even started. Did I believe … Read more